Thursday 24 September 2015

Habaki ring

Looking at Japanese craftsmen online, I was reminded of the habaki-shi. People who make habaki. This is another fitting for the Japanese sword but separate from the normal tosogu set. The habaki is a collar around the sword before the tsuba. Normally made from copper with gold or silver leaf applied. The habaki fits the top of the saya (sheath) called the koiguchi. This secures the sword in the sheath without the blade touching the wood. Were the blade to touch the wood at any part along the length, corrosion would occur. It also stops the sword from accidentally falling out.

These are good examples

The same aesthetic principles are at work, metals and textures are used to great effect. Rough files are used after polishing to create the lines.

There is a sense trepidation like that of sumi-e where the movement creating the lines happens once with no going back.

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