Tuesday 24 March 2015


I have avoided writing about zen for a while now. Not because it's not pertinent to what I do but because explaining it completely is near impossible. The closest I can get to an explanation is perhaps 'A state of observant mindfulness'

In western culture we might say we are 'in the zone' where, whatever your activity, your mind is calm and centered and you can respond to subtle cues to produce work which is beyond your normal capabilities effortlessly. 

Zen pervades all traditions in Japanese culture. The concept that it is not what you are doing but the state of mind you do it in which is important. The tea ceremony is most indicative of this. The simple act of making and pouring tea becomes an exercise in mindfulness in which every movement is important. Our minds enjoy thinking of other things whilst doing mundane tasks, it is a discipline to focus on one thing only. The tea ceremony fills the mind with attentiveness, there are so many requirements, correct posture, breathing, hand movements, position of implements as well as focusing on making these things flow into a moment of beauty that the mind has to be present. 

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