Friday 6 March 2015

On cherry picking

Cherry picking is a term used to describe a process of picking out the bits of evidence which support our cause, and discarding other equally valid evidence which would detract. I am aware when I talk about 'Japanese design ethic' what I am actually saying is 'this particular design ethic expresed by a large group of Japanese craftsmen' 

A critique written by Janet Koplos of the book Contemporary Japanese Jewellery includes the paragraph:

"The selections favor Zen austerity far more often than the equally Japanese attraction to the baroque or, recently, pop; Zen tends to be the Western interpretation of what's "really Japanese." 

You can read the full review here

I am aware that I am looking at one aspect of a vibrant culture, I am also aware that in terms of technique, I am barely scratching the surface of an art which requires a lifetime to master.

I have chosen to investigate traditional techniques which have lead me to traditional values and design considerations. 

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