Saturday, 4 July 2015

Jake Powning

Jake Powning is a Canadian sword maker and wood carver. I have followed his work for several years. His work focusses on keeping ancient techniques and cultural concepts alive.

As a craftsman interested in ancient cultures and techniques, I really enjoy his pieces. He also writes a blog and interacts with people who share his interests.

It is encouraging to find these small pockets of people who are continuing and in some cases reverse engineering traditional techniques. In many cases it is not just a technique people are looking for but a way to share a certain mindset with those who came before.

In Powning's case the mindset is to walk the border between myth and reality, to cast aside modern cynicism and allow oneself to believe in a little magic just as our forebears did. In Jungian terms, the myth and magic are keys to our subconscious mind from whence creativity and art spring.

Something I struggle with in the creative process is to let go of my analytical cynical mind and allow myself to show the more child like, magic believing, dragon fearing side of my nature.


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