Sunday 26 July 2015

Tiaan Burger part 2

One of the major advantages I gained from the visit with Tiaan was to be able to see both the tools and some finished pieces in real life. Pictures and descriptions can be very misleading when trying to learn about something entirely new.

Tiaan's tagane were much more refined than the ones I had made thus far. The body and points were smaller. The angle of the cutting edge was steeper. These are things I find you can only see when actually holding an object. Tiaan is also very experienced with forging and working with steel so his tools are excellently made.

Tagane next to a steel ruler showing the length at approx. 11.5cm

This is a scraper, it is used to smooth out chisel marks before the abrasive stones

Another view of the same scraper, they are really effective and can also be used for subtle shaping

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